While supporting the immediate relief-supply needs of small communities affected by the triple disaster on 11 March, 2011, Team Sake is actively building up relationships and creating networks. In the process, as we see the vision of the future drawn from the villagers' hopes and ideas, we send it throughout the world on the internet, recruiting further assistance, to help bring these visions closer to realization. Providing such things as personnel (volunteer manpower), commodities, technical skills, and information, many people coming from across the nation, and indeed the globe, are able to use this website to assist survivors in whichever ways they themselves choose. This process in itself is considered to be the most encouraging and sustainable way of offering both short-term and long-term support for the villagers.

Activities to Date(Summary)

March 11, 2011
The Great East Japan Earthquake hit the northern coast of Japan, triggering an enormous tsunami and causing core meltdown of 3 reactors at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

March 20-24, 2011: Team 1 Mission (Adachi & Itou)
First departure from Kyoto for isolated villages which vehicles can’t reach due to the rubble, loss of roads, and altered landscape. At the time, the situation was still quite urgent, so we concentrated on delivering mainly food and fuel. When we had driven as far as we could, we continued on bicycles and then on foot to deliver the relief supplies directly to those in dire need.

March 22, 2011
In Baba Nakayama village, Minami Sanriku-cho, we humbly receive a gift from survivors in exchange for our efforts - preserved salted salmon they had salvaged from the wreckage.

March 25, 2011
Team 1 Mission Debriefing session held back in Kyoto. The group commits to taking more action.

Baba Nakayama, Minami Sanriku-cho (Team 1 Mission)

Iwaisaki, Kesennuma city (Team 2 Mission)

April 2-7, 2011: Team 2 Mission (Adachi, Oki, Ozeki, Nishio & Nishimura)
Visit to a wide area of the Sanriku coastline, mainly small isolated villages on the extensive peninsula. The situations in each village are completely different and their needs are diverse. Delivery of relief supplies.
April 3, 2011 Given the name “Team Sake” in Baba Nakayama village.

April 11, 2011 Team 2 Mission Debriefing session held back in Kyoto.

April 8-15, 2011: Team 3 Mission (Mie, Itou & Yutani)
Visit mainly to Ogatsu peninsula and Oshika peninsula. Delivery of relief supplies. The logistics around Ishinomaki were recovering, so we were able to drive to collect some additional supplies villagers specifically requested and deliver them back to them immediately.

April 18, 2011 Team 3 Mission Debriefing session held back in Kyoto.

Kobuchihama, Ishinomaki (Team 3 Mission)

Hakozaki, Kamaishi (Team 4 Mission)

April 16-22, 2011: Team 4 Mission (Kawate, Saka & Matsumura)
Visited Sanriku coastline extensively from Oshika Peninsula to Funakoshi Peninsula. Went around many villages in the midst of change; while some of the communities are still in prolonged evacuation, others are recovering lifelines, and in some, we also witnessed the dissolution of evacuation shelters. Delivery of relief supplies.
April 30, 2011 Team 4 Mission Debriefing session held back in Kyoto.

April 30 - May 8, 2011: Team 5 Mission (Adachi, Mie, Kawate, Itou, Enoki, Kawada, Takenami, Nishio, Nishimura, Fukuoka, Matsui, Mutou, Yamamura)
We separated into 3 groups. In addition to visiting numerous villages and focussing on the usual core activities, we assisted where necessary by lending a helping hand with various activities towards the recovery efforts of the villages. Delivery of relief supplies.

Itabashi, Minami Sanriku (Team 5 Mission)

Funakoshi, Ishinomaki (Team 6 Mission)

May 14-17, 2011: Team 6 Mission (Adachi, Ozeki, Matsumoto)
Upon the considered request of the villagers, we entered into preparations to assist the creation of the vision of the reconstruction of the village of Funakoshi, Ogatsu town, Ishinomaki city. Delivery of relief supplies.

May 21, 2011 Teams 5 & 6 Missions Debriefing session held back in Kyoto.

May 30-June 4, 2011: Team 7 Mission (Adachi, Ozeki, Kimura, Hanada, Matsuya)
Join local residents’ meeting to discuss the reconstruction of Funakoshi village, Ogatsu town, Ishinomaki city.

June 13-18, 2011: Team 8 Mission (Adachi, Itou, Ozeki, Yamashita)
Join local residents’ meeting to discuss the reconstruction of Funakoshi village, Ogatsu town, Ishinomaki city.
June 25, 2011 Teams 7 & 8 Missions Debriefing session held back in Kyoto.

July 2-5, 2011: Team 9 Mission (Ozeki & Itou)
Join local residents’ meeting to discuss the reconstruction of Funakoshi village, Ogatsu town, Ishinomaki city.

July 14-17, 2011: Team 10 Mission (Adachi, Kawate, Kawata)
Introduced architects fro Miyagi prefecture to Funakoshi local residents’ to discuss the reconstruction of Funakoshi village. Joined meeting of Osawa residents (now living in Koharagi-chu) to instruct them on how to rebuild, using the Funakoshi process as a model.

Team Sake Activities
Click to view enlarged map detailing locales we have visited since March, 2011.

Team SAKE map(Japanese)

List of Destinations (mainly small villages)
Team 1 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture, Minami Sanriku town (Baba Nakayama, Hadenya)

Team 2 Mission
Iwate Prefecture (Oura, Koyadori, Kuwanohama, Mutsugaura)

Miyagi Prefecture (Iwaisaki, Sennoji, Koizumi, Baba Nakayama, Hadenya, Ishinomaki)

Team 3 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture, Kessenuma area (Iwaisaki, Baba Nakayama, Tomarihama, Niranohama, Hosoura)

Miyagi Prefecture, Ishinomaki area (Funakoshi, Kuwanohama, Koyadori, Kobuchihama, Ishinomaki)

Team 4 Mission
Iwate Prefecture, Miyako area (Koyadori, Tanohama)

Iwate Prefecture, Kamaishi area (Kamokura, Hakozaki, Kuwanohama, Ozaki Shirahama, Hongo)

Iwate Prefecture, Ofunato area (Sakihama, Okirai, Koishihama, Tahama, Mutsugaura, Sugoroku)

Miyagi Prefecture (Koharagi, Nakai, Tsurugaura, Kesennuma, Iwaisaki, Baba Nakayama, Kobuchihama)

Team 5 Mission
Iwate Prefecture, Miyako area (Settai, Mattsuki, Onatsube, Nakanohama, Hideshima, Otahama, Kamikamura, Uiso, Chikei, Sukuiso, Koyadori, Tanohama)

Iwate Prefecture, Kamaishi area (Murohama, Hakozaki, Hakozaki Shirahama, Kariyado, Kuwanohama, Kamaishi, Ozaki Shirahama, Kerobe, Hongo, Oishi)

Iwate Prefecture, Ofunato area (Senzai, Koishihama, Tahama, Matsugaura)

Miyagi Prefecture, Kesennuma area (Koharagi, Mone, Tsurugaura, Kesennuma, Iwaisaki, Sennoji, Baba Nakayama, Itabashi, Niranohama)

Miyagi Prefecture, Ishinomaki area (Naburi, Funakoshi, Osu, Kobuchihama)

Team 6 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture, Ogatsu peninsula (Funakoshi, Osu)

Team 7 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture (Hadenya, Funakoshi)

Team 8 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture (Koharagi, Baba Nakayama, Funakoshi)

Team 9 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture (Funakoshi)

Team 10 Mission
Miyagi Prefecture (Funakoshi, Koharagi)